Dressing Room Policies Dance Competitions
All competitors, coaches, guests, and families must adhere to the SMA Venue Code Of Conduct at all times during the competition and in all parts of the venue including the 3rd floor dressing rooms. Violation of the venue code of conduct could result in the removal from the venue and competition.
Dressing rooms and designated dressing areas are determined prior in accordance with DHEC safety guidelines and building regulations. Venue staff is NOT permitted to provide additional space and/or grant access to any areas, rooms, or spaces on the premises other than the designated dressing areas made available for your event. Requests for additional space and/or access to non-designated dressing room areas will be refused with no exception.
  • Dressing room space is limited.
  • If your Event Organizers have not arranged dressing room assignments and/or a room rotation schedule, you MUST adhere to a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE policy for usage of the dressing rooms. 
  • Gender neutral dressing rooms are available at all events.
  • Male competitors will have designated dressing areas available, and should be granted first right of refusal for usage of gender neutral dressing rooms/restrooms.  
  • Venue staff are not permitted to intervene and/or assist in dressing room assignments, disputes, and/or monitoring of unauthorized individuals on the 3rd floor/dressing rooms. Event organizers and group coaches/staff are responsible for ensuring their competitors, groups, and guests are maintaining the standards of the venue code of conduct at all times and are adhering to their event policies regarding 3rd floor/dressing room usage and access permissions.

*As per venue safety and security policies, the 3rd floor dressing rooms for all events are allocated to female competitors. As such, access to the 3rd floor and/or 3rd floor dressing rooms is permitted only for female staff, coaches, parents, and volunteers. This policy will be strictly enforced without exception by venue security staff and local law enforcement on duty*


Dressing room usage and access
  • Event organizers are responsible for monitoring dressing room usage. 
  • Dressing room assignments for individual groups/studios is up to the discretion of Event Organizers. 
  • NO individual, group, or studio is permitted to reserve a dressing room and/or refuse usage of a room to any other individual, group, or studio unless your Event Organizers have issued a prior room assignment schedule.
  • Use of dressing rooms AND access to the 3rd floor is limited to Event Organizers, competitors, coaches, and venue staff.
  • Dressing rooms are not for practicing, warming up, and/or group routine rehearsals. Event organizers and coaches are responsible for ensuring the use of the dressing rooms is restricted to costume changes and dressing purposes only.
  • Event organizers and coaches/studio staff are responsible for limiting the number of non-competitors in the dressing rooms and on the 3rd floor and ensuring the 3rd floor hallways remain clear of obstruction and over crowding.
  • Venue security staff and local law enforcement officers will be assigned to monitor the 3rd floor dressing rooms and reserve the right to intervene if any competitors, guests, event staff, coaches, or volunteers are not adhering to the dressing room policies outlined for your event.